
Sample115 Mizumoto Park A block ”Kawasemi no Sato” (gutter's mud) (East Tokyo)

2019/03/02/ 13:43ー15:11
GPS 35.794338,139.861267
Weather: Sunny day  The day before making the sample: Rainy day
Sample: (wet)(gutter's mud)

Scintillation Counter Hotspot Finder(30sec average value)

Major Factor of the hotspot 
Administrators in this facility called Kawasemi no Sato took gutter's mud and under a downspout mud. They threw it away in the bush along with the building. Even though the Ministry of the Environment acknowledges that gutter's mud is highly contaminated. Because of the vast amount of the mud, it makes ambient radiation readings 3 meters away from the center of the hotspot quite high.


The range of the hotspot: 220cm x 550cm
Sampling range of the hotspot: 12.5cm x 10cm
Depth of the hotspot: more than 5cm
Sampling Depth: 2cm

Measurement Data from Fukushima Preservative Service Association of Health

Measurement Data
Measurement Date: 2019/05/21
Cs134   2,536Bq/Kg  ±32.5Bq/Kg
Cs137 33,033Bq/Kg  ±116Bq/Kg
All Cs    35,569Bq/Kg 
Sample Weights 119.9g
Measurement Time: 1800sec

Readings above the hotspot 
1m 0.573μSv/h、50㎝ 1.130μSv/h、5㎝ 2.881μSv/h

Readings 3 meters away from the center of the hotspot
1ⅿ 0.162μSv/h、50cm 0.156μSv/h、5cm 0.116μSv/h

Sampling Spot

Sampling spot




the spot 3 meters away from the center of the hotspot




Making the sample

range of making the sample
 range of making the sample
 depth of making the sample
Sampling Tools and Scintillation Counter
 The hotspot is left side the entrance of the building called Kawasemi no Sato

Measurement Data

Sampling Spot