
Mizumoto Park A Block Chuo Hiroba (Field) A1 (East Tokyo)

The date of making the sample: 2019/2/17/ 13:10~13:42

Weather: Sunny day  The day before making the sample: Sunny day
Address Post code125-0034 Mizumoto Koen5, Katsushika Ward, Tokyo, Japan

GPS: 35.794188,139.872678

Scintillation Counter Hotspot Finder(30sec average value)
5cm from the ground 0.074μSv/h
50cm from the ground 0.070μSv/h
1m from the ground  0.072μSv/h

Measurement Data from Fukushima Preservative Service Association of Health 

Germanium Semi-Conductor (SEG-EMS)

Measurement Date:2019/5/21
Measurement Time: 3600sec Sample Weights 114.5g
Container: U8(100ml)

Cs134  23.2Bq/Kg±2.58Bq/Kg
Cs137  341Bq/Kg±8.59Bq/Kg
All Cs     364.2Bq/Kg


Sampling Tools and Scintillation Counter

 Sampling Spot




Making the sample

Making the sample

Making the sample

Making the sample

Making the sample

Measurement Data
 Sampling spot